Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wiping Away Your Ecological Footprint (Pun Intended)

Check out this informative article on recycled toilet paper. Do american's have softer back-sides than the rest of the world? I like to think we can hold our own in all situations :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ultimate recycling?

I learned that human fat taken from liposuction could be used as biofuel to run cars....

gross but cool.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Japan Railway: Producing Electricity from Ticket Gates

I got pretty excited reading this article because I actually learned about this material in class before and I had to share with Earth Club!

The East Japan Railway (East JR) and a research group from Keio University collaborated on a project to generate an electricity from simply people stepping on a floor.

How does it work? Well, it's simplar than you think. There is a type of material that contains piezo element, which changes its physical shape when you run current through it. So it works in the other way around as well. If you bend the piezoelectric material, it produces some electricity.

So, they placed a bunch of those materials on the floor of busy trains station gate. Through the vibration produced by people stepping on the material, the material will be producing electricity. They are hoping to produce enought electricity to run the gate.

It's still in a testing stage. They have placed the material in some locations in Tokyo couple days ago, and it will be there for a month or so.

I'm going back to Japan this winter, so I'm definitely going to check this out.

For more information and pictures:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Another poem on global warming....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First post, woot!

Hey guys,

Here's an awesome poem that should get you pumped about Environmental Poetry Night second quarter. Check it out and start thinking about how you can get creative as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We have a blog now!